WEEK'S SCHEDULE(7), OCT. 22. 2012

WEEK'S EYE-OPENER: Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp or what's a heaven for? Robert Browning


1. On Monday, Oct. 22, your Capsim assignment on forecasting is due.

2. On Monday, Oct. 22, you will have a QUIZ on chapter 9 and the Wheelan chapter on incentives.

3. On Wednesday, Oct. 24, Mike Ross will come in for a debrief of Round 1.

4. On Monday, Oct. 29, your Capsim assignment on the attributes of the Able product are due.

5. During the second class period of the week of Oct. 29, you will have a QUIZ on chapter 10 In Colander, The Logic of Individual Choice and the rest of the Learn to Earn packet.

6. On Friday, November 30, your stock selection paper is due. See the course syllabus for details.

CLASS ONE: QUIZ on chapter 9 and the chapter on incentives in Wheelan. HOMEWORK FOR PERIOD 3: continue to read in the Learn to Earn packet up to page 169. HOMEWORK FOR PERIOD 6: please read chapter 10 in Colander on The Logic of Individual Choice.

CLASS TWO FOR PERIOD 3: Mike Ross will give his debrief and we will discuss the Learn to Earn reading. HOMEWORK: read chapter 10 in Colander on The Logic of Individual Choice.

CLASS TWO FOR PERIOD 6: we will discuss chapter 10 in Colander. HOMEWORK: read in Learn to Earn packet through  page 169.

CLASS THREE FOR PERIOD 3: we will discuss chapter 1o in Colander. HOMEWORK HOMEWORK FOR MONDAY: finish the Learn to Earn packet.

CLASS THREE FOR PERIOD 6: we will discuss the Learn to Earn packet. HOMEWORK FOR MONDAY: finish the Learn to Earn packet.

CLASS FOUR: quiet study, I will be out of town.


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