WEEK'S SCHEDULE(11), NOV. 29, 2012
EYE OPENER OF THE WEEK: A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry; but money answereth all things. BIBLE KEY DATES: 1. On Monday, Nov. 26, Mike Ross will do a debrief. 2. During the second class period of the week, we will have a QUIZ on Perfect Competition. 3. On Friday, your STOCK SELECTION PAPERS are due. 4. On Wednesday, December 19, Ariel Capital Management will be in and John and Charlie will speak to us about value investing. CLASS ONE: we will review the chapter on Perfect Competition and I will give you time to work on your stock selection papers. HOMEWORK: prepare for a quiz on Perfect Competition. CLASS TWO: QUIZ on Perfect Competition. HOMEWORK: please read chapter 2 in The Big Short. CLASS THREE: we will discuss the reading. HOMEWORK: work on your stock selection papers which are due tomorrow. CLASS FOUR: I will collect your papers and we will read some of them in class. HOMEWORK: Please read chapter 15 on Monopoly.