Week's Schedule

Week 15. May: 26-29 

Important Dates
1. On Tuesday, June 2nd, seniors will present their May Project experience to you at Ariel Capital Management
2, On Friday, June 5,  your Michael Lewis Projects are due.

Day One
We will review Cramer’s Stock Selections for this unique market.

Day two
We will discuss your Michael Lewis books.

Week 14:  May 18-22 (Juniors only)

Important Dates
1. Friday, June 5. The Michael Lewis Project is due.

Day 1
Current Events Day—CD-19 and the economy

Day 2
Reports on different Michael Lewis books

Week 13: May 11-15 (Juniors only)

Important Dates
1. Friday, June 5. The Michael Lewis Project is due.

Day 1
Current Events Day—CD-19 and the economy

Day 2
Reports on different Michael Lewis books

Week 12:  May 4-8

Important Dates
1. 2. On Tuesday, May 5, you will hand in a page essay to Turnitin describing what you have learned
from the Zingales’ talks and those of Rajan, Lurye and Bremmer. This should be uploaded by class time.

Day 1:  we will discuss the assignment that you just handed in on what you learned from our speakers

Day 2: Juniors will attend class. We will discuss the Michael Lewis Project and watch the first part of Warren Buffett’s Annual Report on the Great Depression. https://youtu.be/y5rr1RPdcyM We will also look at the following video, https://youtu.be/G9HvukE56yM with Mohammed El Erin.

Week 11: April 27-May 1

Important Dates
1. On Tuesday, April 28, Alexander Lurye will speak comparing this Financial Crisis with the one in 2008.
2. On Tuesday, May 5, you will hand in a page essay to Turnitin describing what you have learned
from the Zingales’ talks and those of Rajan, Lurye and Bremmer.

Day 1

Day 2
Please listen to the Ian Bremmer video where he discusses the world’s political and economic future


Week 10: April 20-24

Important Dates
1. On Tuesday, your Stock Selection Papers and work with List graduate students is due. Your work should be uploaded to Turnitin and you should be willing to present your findings to the class remotely.
 2. On Tuesday, April 28, Alexander Lurye will speak comparing this Financial Crisis with the one in 2008.

Day 1
Presentations of Stock Selection Papers and work with List graduate students.

Day 2
We will discuss the  Virtual Harper Lecture: the Impact of the COVID-19 VIRUS on the Global Economy with Professor Rajan https://youtu.be/948mT8WKDqk

Week 9: April 13-17

Important Dates
Monday, April 20th spring projects are due  (Stock Selection and work with List Graduate Students) They should be submitted on Turnitin for Janus' students.

Day 1
Please listen to the Zingales' podcast on Google and Facebook: https://youtu.be/y3xlzZ_Iz9o and how are they are ruining Capitalism.

Day 2
No class--work on your projects.

Week 8: April 6-10

Important Dates
Monday, April 20th spring projects are due  (Stock Selection and work with List Graduate Students) They should be submitted on Turnitin for Janus' students.

Day 1
We will discuss the following articles that you can access on the home page of the blog: Will Renters Be Able to Pay Their Rent? The Next Big Crisis: Bill Gates and the Pandemic: For the Class of 2020, A Job-Eating Virus Recalls the Great Recession; Why is American Choosing Mass Unemployment?; Opinion What Is A College Education Worth?

Day 2

Week 7: March 30-April 3

Important Dates
Monday, April 20th spring projects are due (Stock Selection, and work with List Graduate Students) They should be submitted on Turnitin for Janus' students.

Day 1 
We will discuss the state of the economy. HOMEWOEK: Watch Krugman video, "https://youtu.be/5ruUc8yJSJA. This video is on the “Future of Capitalism and Democracy in America”

Day 2
Discuss the Krugman video on Google Hangout. What does Krugman say in this video that refutes what you have heard in Econ. class this year

Week 6: March 9-13

Important Dates
Tuesday, March 10 or Wednesday, March 11: quiz on macro chapters 28-30
Thursday, March 19 - Sunday, March 29: spring break
Friday, April 3: spring semester projects due

Day 1
Review for quiz on macro chapters 28-30

Day 2

Day 3
Macro chapter 31: debt & deficits

Day 4
The Why Axis chapters 6-7: discrimination

Week 5:  March 2-6

Important Dates
Friday, March 6: Disantis section project prospectuses due.
Monday, March 9: Quiz Macro, ch 28-30
Friday, April 3:  Stock Selection Paper due and Marketing projects
Friday, April 10:  projects with graduate students due.

Day 1
The Why Axis, chapters 4-5

Day 2
Ch 39, Financial Crises and Panics  

Day 3
Naked Economics, ch 10, The Federal Reserve

Day 4
Review for spring quiz 2

Week 4: February 24-28

Important Dates
Thursday, February 27: Artsfest.
Friday, February 28: guest talk from Paul Marks.
Friday, March 6: Disantis section project prospectuses due.

Day 1
Macro ch28: the financial sector

Day 2
Macro ch29: monetary policy

Day 3

Day 4
Guest talk

Week 3: February 18-21

Important Dates
Tuesday, February 18 or Wednesday, February 19: spring semester quiz 1
Thursday, February 27: Artsfest

Day 1
Review for Macro Quiz on the short and long-models and chapters two and three in List.

Day 2

Work day either for the Stock Selection or the Market Project

Week 2: February 10-14

Important Dates:
Tuesday, February 11 - Thursday, February 13: senior getaway
Friday, February 14 - Monday, February 17: no classes (mid-winter break)
Tuesday, February 18 or Wednesday, February 19: spring semester quiz 1
Thursday, February 27: Artsfest

Day 1
Macro chapter 27: the classical long-run model

Days 2 & 3
Seniors at getaway

Spring semester Week 1: February 3-7

Important Dates:
February 7: hand in one page essay explaining why you want to participate in the List program and who you would like to work with.
February 14:  announce selections
February 21: pairings and meeting times.
February 24: the program begins and meeting times are selected.
April 6: hand in the work you have done with the graduate student.

Day 1
Intro to semester 2 project

Day 2
Macro Ch 26: the Keynesian short-run model

Day 3:
The Why Axis: ch 2 and 3

Day 4: 
A Flex day

Week 20: January 20-24

Important Dates:
Monday, January 20: no school (MLK Day)
Monday, January 27 - Thursday, January 30: semester-end schedule
Friday, January 31: special programming (seniors: May Project workshop)

Day 1
MACRO ch24: economic growth and the business cycle

Day 2
Macro ch25: measuring the aggregate economy

Day 3
Presentation from U of C economics graduate students on research methods

Week 19:  January 13-17

Important Dates:
Tuesday, January 14: Test On Labor Markets and income distributrion
Thursday, January 16: special schedule (MLK Assembly)
Monday, January 20: no school (MLK Day)
Monday, January 27 - Thursday, January 30: semester-end schedule
Friday, January 31: special programming (seniors: May Project workshop)

Day 1
Review for tomorrow's test

Day 2
Test on Labor Markets and Income Distribution
Quiz article for Disantis section: https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2019/11/20/20952151/should-minimum-wage-be-raised

Day 3
Chapter 3 from the Price of Civilization.

Day 4
The Secret Shame of the Middle Class. (the URL is on the Home page.)
Disantis section article link from Harvard Business Review: https://hbr.org/2020/01/advertising-makes-us-unhappy

Week 18: January 6-10

Important Dates:
Thursday, January 16: special schedule (MLK Assembly)
Monday, January 20: no school (MLK Day)
Monday, January 27 - Thursday, January 30: semester-end schedule
Friday, January 31: special programming (seniors: May Project workshop)

Day 1
Class structure in the United States: what is the middle class?
video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8a7JS_BT3Nc
Supplemental reading: https://www.brookings.edu/interactives/a-dozen-ways-to-be-middle-class/



Day 2
Micro ch17: work and the labor market

Day 3
Micro ch18: distribution of income

Day 4
Field research methods presentation #1

Weeks 17 & 18: December 23 - January 5
No classes (Winter Break)

Week 16: December 16-18

Important Dates:
Research papers due on the 16th.
Andrew Slimmon will speak on why investors get the market wrong to the second period class on Tuesday, Dec. 17th.

Day 1
Research papers are due

Day 2
Andrew Slimmon's talk

Day 3 for fifth period

Week 15: December 9-13

Important: behavioral research papers due date moved to Monday, December 16

Day 1
Review for quiz on Micro chapters 13-15 

Day 2

Day 3
Paper work day  

Day 4
Begin movie

Week 14: December 2-6

Important dates
Friday, December 6, Professor Hsieh of the Booth School will speak to the Econ. section about monopoly.
Friday, December 13, your Behavioral Research Papers are due.

Day 1
We will have a reading day to prepare for tomorrow's assignment  and to work on your behavioral papers

Day 2
Micro chapter 14: Monopoly and Monopolisic Competition

Day 3
Micro chapter 15: Oligopoly & Anti Trust

Day 4
Professor Hsieh will talk about Monopoly

Week 13: November 25-29
No classes (Thanksgiving Break)

Week 12: November 18-22

Important dates
Monday, November 25 - Friday, November 29: no classes (Thanksgiving break)
Friday, December 13: final draft of behavioral research paper due

Day 1
Micro chapter 13: perfect competition

Day 2
Harvard business school study on gender equity
Question to consider: is it possible to engineer social change in classroom settings?

Day 3
Monopoly case study: Blockbuster
Question to consider: A “lazy monopolist” is a firm that has considerable market share of an industry but does not push for innovation or anticipate new competition. Does Blockbuster, which at one point controlled 40% of the video rental market, fit this definition?

Day 4

Week 11:  November 11-15

Important dates
Monday, November 11: prospectus for behavioral research paper due
Friday, November 15: no classes (parent-teacher conferences)
Friday, December 13: final draft due of behavioral research paper due

Day 1
Prospectuses due

Day 2
Review for quiz on chapters 10-12.

Day 3
Quiz on chapters 10-12

Week 10: November 4-8

Important dates
Friday, November 8: no classes (faculty professional development day)
Monday, November 11: prospectus for behavioral research paper due
Friday, November 15: no classes (parent-teacher conferences)
Friday, December 13: final draft due of behavioral research paper due

Janus sections
Day 1
Naked Economics chapter 5: economics of information

Day 2

Micro chapter 12: production & cost analysis part 2

Day 3
Prospectus work day

Disantis section
Day 1
Micro chapter 12: production & cost analysis part 2

Day 2
Predictably Irrational chapter 10: the effect of expectations

Day 3
Prospectus work day

Week 9: October 28 - November 1

Important dates
Friday, November 8: no classes (faculty professional development day)
Monday, November 11: prospectus for behavioral research paper due
Friday, November 15: no classes (parent-teacher conferences)
Friday, December 13: final draft due of behavioral research paper due

Day 1
Predictably Irrational chapter 8: the high price of ownership
Please note, some editions vary in chapter numbering; read the one on ownership / endowment effect

Day 2
Micro chapter 10: international trade policy

Day 3
Micro chapter 11: production & cost analysis part 1

Day 4
Naked Economics chapter 5: economics of information

Week 8: October 21 - 25

Important dates
Tuesday, October 22 or Wednesday, October 23: quiz #3 (micro chapters 7-9)
Friday, October 25: Ariel Capital guest talk, 5th period (in-school field trip)
Monday, November 11: prospectus for behavioral research paper due
Friday, December 13: final draft due of behavioral research paper due

Day 1
Review for tomorrow's quiz

Day 2
Quiz 3 (micro chapters 7-9)

Day 3
Predictably Irrational ch 7: the problem of procrastination

Day 4
John Rogers and Charlie Bobrinskoy will speak to our classes during 5th period in the auditorium.

Week 7: October 14-18

Important dates
Monday, October 14: no classes (fall break)
Wednesday, October 16: no classes (PSAT day)
Tuesday, October 22 or Wednesday, October 23: quiz #3 (micro chapters 7-9)
Friday, October 25: Ariel Capital guest talk, 5th period (in-school field trip)
Monday, November 11: prospectus for behavioral research paper due
Friday, December 13: final draft due of behavioral research paper due

Day 1
In-class activity TBD. Janus’ classes will watch Obama’s UIC speech

Day 2
Micro ch 9: exchange rates & globalization

Day 3
Disantis section: workplace culture article
Questions to consider: What are the pros of a highly affirming workplace? What are the cons?
Janus sections: articles on the rich and taxes.

Week 6: October 7-11

Important dates
Monday, October 14: no classes (fall break)
Wednesday, October 16: no classes (PSAT day)
Monday, November 11: prospectus for behavioral research paper due
Friday, December 13: final draft due of behavioral research paper due

Day 1
Micro ch 7: taxes & government intervention

Day 2
Naked Economics ch 4: government and the economy, part 2

Day 3
Predictably Irrational ch 4: the cost of social norms

Day 4
Micro ch 8: market vs government failure

Week 5: September 30 - October 4

Important dates
Tuesday, October 1 or Wednesday, October 2: fall quiz #2, micro chapters 4-6
Monday, October 14: no classes (fall break)
Wednesday, October 16: no classes (PSAT day)

Day 1 
Review for quiz #2, micro chapters 4-6

Day 2 
Quiz #2

Day 3
Naked Economics ch 3: government and the economy, part 1

Day 4
Two pieces on education: how much should government be involved in college costs?

Week 4: September 23-27

Important dates
Tuesday, October 1 or Wednesday, October 2: fall quiz #2, micro chapters 4-6
Monday, October 14: no classes (fall break)
Wednesday, October 16: no classes (PSAT day)

Day 1 
Predictably Irrational ch 1: the truth about relativity

Day 2 
Micro ch 5: using supply and demand

Day 3
Micro ch 6: elasticities

Day 4
Predictably Irrational ch 2: the fallacy of supply and demand

Week 3:  September 16-20

Important dates
Tuesday, September 17 or Wednesday, September 18: fall quiz #1

Day 1
Review for first quiz of the year

Day 2
Quiz on micro chapters 1-3

Day 3
Naked Economics ch 2: incentives matter

Day 4
Micro ch 4: principles of supply and demand

Week 2: September 9-13

Important dates
Tuesday, September 17 or Wednesday, September 18: fall quiz #1

Day 1
Naked Economics, chapter 1: the power of markets

Day 2
Micro chapter 2: production possibilities & globalization

Day 3
Micro chapter 3: economic institutions

Day 4
Behavioral economics intro: the cognitive biases tricking your brain
Question to consider: which of these cognitive tendencies/biases do you consider to be the most significant in terms of large-scale social and economic behavior?

Week 1: September 2-6
Welcome back!

Important dates
Monday, September 2: no classes (Labor Day)
Tuesday, September 17 or Wednesday, September 18: fall quiz #1

Day 1
Introductions: economics in the micro and macro scales

Day 2
Discussion: New York Times article on Amazon.

Day 3
Colander, Microeconomics chapter 1: economics & economic reasoning

Day 4 (Disantis section only)
Discussion: Generation Z in the workforce


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