WEEK'S SCHEDULE(13), DEC. 10, 2012

EYE-OPENER OF THE WEEK: It's pretty hard to tell what does bring happiness. Poverty and Wealth have both failed. Kim Hubbard


1. During the last class period of the week you will have a QUIZ on chapter 16 in Colander and chapter 4 in Wheelan.

2. On Wednesday, Dec. 19 , John Rogers and Charles Bobrinskoy  will speak on Value Investing during the third period class. Students in the sixth period section, please try to attend.

LONG PERIOD: We will continue watching Margin Call.

CLASS ONE: We will discuss the first half of chapter 16 on Monopolistic Competition. I will also return your tests on Monopoly and your research papers. We will then hand them over to Mia in the sixth period who will create a Website with them. I hope that some of you will consider submitting them to InFlame, the History Department online journal. HOMEWORK: Finish chapter 16.

CLASS TWO: We will discuss the second half of the chapter on Oligopoly. HOMEWORK: please read chapter 4 in Wheelan.

CLASS THREE: We will discuss the negative role of government in the economy. We will also have a debrief on the Capsim assignment. HOMEWORK: quiz on chapter 16 in Colander and chapter 4 in Wheelan.

CLASS FOUR: QUIZ. HOMEWORK: read the first half of chapter 20, Who Gets What? The Distribution of Income, up to the Socioeconomic Dimensions of Income Inequality.


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