
Showing posts from March, 2013


EYE-OPENER OF THE WEEK: The secret of business is to know something that nobody else knows. Aristotle Onassis KEY DATE: 1. During the second class period of next week we will have a test on chapters 12 in Colander. CLASS ONE: Mike Ross will debrief on the last round and explain the Balanced Scorecard evaluation system. You will then have time to work in your groups on this week's round. HOMEWORK: read chapter 12 in Colander, Thinking Like a Modern Economist, up to "Modern Economic Policy and the Collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge." CLASS TWO: we will discuss the reading. HOMEWORK: finish the chapter. CLASS THREE: we will discuss the reading. HOMEWORK: please read current events handouts. CLASS FOUR: we will discuss the reading. HOMEWORK: prepare for a test on chapters 12 during the second class period.


EYE-OPENER OF THE WEEK: Never explain--your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway. Elbert Hubbard KEY DATE: 1. During the first class period either Mike or Jordan will debrief this week's round and explain how THE BALANCED SCORE CARAD will be used to evaluate your team. 2. You will have a quiz during the second class period on chapter 11 and Professor Kaplan's talk. The essay question will be, what conclusions can you draw about income inequality and CEO pay from his talk? THE LONG PERIOD: we will use the extra thirty minutes to work in our Capsim groups. CLASS ONE: Capsim debrief and how The Balanced Score Card is being used to evaluate you. We will also discuss the second half of chapter 11. HOMEWORK: prepare for the quiz on chapter 11. CLASS TWO: Quiz on the multiplier model and Professor Kaplan's talk and article. HOMEWORK: please read chapter 9 in Wheelan on Keeping Score. CLASS THREE: we will discuss the Wheelan chapter. HOMEWORK: please ...


EYE-OPENER OF THE WEEK: We have always known that heedless self-interest was bad morals...we now know that it is bad economics. FDR KEY DATES: 1. On Wednesday, March 6, Steve Kaplan from the Booth School will speak on income inequality and CEO pay. 2. On Monday, March 11, we will have a quiz on Professor Kaplan's talk and chapter 11 on Multiplier Model. The long period: you will work in groups on round 4 of the Capsim simulation. CLASS ONE: period 3 will discuss the second half of chapter 10 and I will debrief round 3 of Capsim. Period 6 will have a quiz on chapter 10, the Wheelan reading on special interests and the Weinstein talk on municipal bonds. HOMEWORK: period 3, prepare for the econ. quiz on chapter 10 that you will take during the third class period. Period 6, read chapter 11 on The Multiplier Model up to "The Multiplier Model in Action." CLASS TWO: period 3 will hear Professor Kaplan's talk. Period 6 will discuss the first half of chapter 11 and get a half...