WEEK'S SCHEDULE (3), SEPT. 23, 2013

WEEK'S EYE-OPENER: Give me the luxuries of life and I can do without the necessities.


1. During the third class period of the week, you will have a quiz on chapters 3 and 4 in Colander plus the Introduction and first chapter in Dan Ariely's Predictably Irrational, and the article, The Rich Get Richer Through the Recovery. There will be two essay questions. 1. Based on the article, The Rich Get Richer Through the Recovery," explain why the wealth gap widening. Should something be done about it? 2. What have you learned about individual choice from the Ariely reading?

2. On Friday, Nov. 29, your stock selection research paper is due.


1. We will view an 18 minute clip on the Federal Reserve that was aired on Charlie Rose on Sept. 20. When you watch the video, focus on what you can learn about the state of our economy.

CLASS ONE: A facilitator will lead a discussion on chapter 4 in Colander. HOMEWORK: read the introduction and chapter 1 in Predictably Irrational.

CLASS TWO: we will discuss the reading. HOMEWORK: prepare for a quiz on chapters 3 and 4 in Colander, the Ariely reading, plus the article on The Rich Get Richer Through the Recovery.

CLASS THREE: QUIZ. HOMEWORK: please read chapter 5 in Colander.

CLASS FOUR: we will discuss the reading. HOMEWORK: read chapter 2 in Ariely.


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