
Showing posts from April, 2014

Schedule for the week of April 28, 2014

Eye-opener of the week: The only mystery in this world is kindness. Robert Downing Key Dates: 1. During the third class period of the day we will have an essay test on the article about unionizing college football and/or chapter 22. 2. Our Macro Final will be on Monday, May 5. The universe of questions will be the past macro quizzes that visible on EZTEST. The essay will be the question, what have you learned in Macro? 3. AP testing will occur on Thursday, May 15: Macro in the morning and Micro in the afternoon. CLASS ONE: please have read the following article on unionizing  Northwestern college football : . HOMEWORK: please read chapter 22: Macro Policy in Developing Countries. CLASS TWO: we will discuss the reading. HOMEWORK: Essay Quiz. Question to be determined. CLASS THREE: QUIZ. CLASS FOUR: REVIEW DAY FOR MACRO FINAL.

Schedule for the week of 4/21

Schedule for week of 4/21 DAY 1: We will discuss a recent  New York Times  article on the social progress index ( ). HOMEWORK: Read Colander chapter 21, "Macro Policy in a Global Setting." DAY 2: Discussion of Colander chapter 21. HOMEWORK: Read the handout from  The Economist  on historical financial slumps and their relevance for modern finance. DAY 3: We will discuss the  Economist  piece "Five Slumps That Shaped Modern Finance." HOMEWORK: Study for the quiz. DAY 4: Quiz on chapter 21. LONG: We will review AP materials

Schedule for the week of April 14

 Eye-Opener for the week:  Who is my enemy? It is the person whose story I have not heard. Longfellow KEY DATES: 1. During the second class period of the week you will have a Quiz on chapters 18 and 20: I nflation, Deflation and Macro Policy and   International Financial Policy. You will have the following essay : what do we know about the causes of inflation and it's relationship to unemployment?  2. Our Macro Final will be on Monday, May 5. 3. AP testing will occur on Thursday, May 15: Macro in the morning and Micro in the afternoon. CLASS ONE: we will discuss chapter 20 on International Financial Policy. HOMEWORK: prepare for quiz on chapters 18 and 20. CLASS TWO: Quiz on chapters 18 and 20. HOMEWORK:  please read the introduction and chapter 1 in the handout from Michael Lewis' new book,  Flash Boys. CLASS THREE: we will discuss the reading. HOMEWORK: please read chapter 2 in the handout and the article on Bloomberg news about Fidelity try...


Schedule for Week of  April 7 NOTES: There are no classes on Friday on account of faculty professional development day. The Macro final will be held  on Monday, May 5. AP testing will be held  on Thursday, May 15 : Macro in the morning and Micro in the early afternoon. DAY 1: Quiz on chapter 17 (Jobs and Unemployment). HOMEWORK: Read Macro chapter 18. DAY 2: Discussion of Macro chapter 18 (Inflation, Deflation, and Macroeconomic Policy). HOMEWORK: Read Predictably Irrational chapter 11 (The Power of Price). DAY 3: Discussion of Ariely's chapter. LONG: We will discuss a recent Supreme Court ruling that struck down limits on individual campaign donations.