
Showing posts from October, 2014
STOCK SELECTION PAPER COMMENT: your topic overview for your stock selection paper is due Monday, Nov. 3. Please write a paragraph about the industry you have chosen or, preferably, the stock in that industry you think is undervalued and therefore you would like to invest in. Once the paragraph is written please post it to this post by clicking on comment, writing the comment, and then publishing it. Make sure you are in your google account before you attempt to do any of this or you will lose your comment. Also, please just use your first name or initials plus your class period to protect your privacy.
Please watch this video after you have read Colander's discussion of comparative advantage in chapter 9.
Please see brief video on market failure versus government failure.
Is up forgiven debt holding the world economy back?
Another technology bubble?

10/10 Quiz Options (Disantis Section)

You will write on one of the following: 1. In chapter 7 of Microeconomics , Colander remarks that effective taxation is about extracting needed revenues without drawing substantial attention to the act of doing so. Explain an example of a tax in the United States, either real or hypothetical, that would accomplish the goal of bringing in revenue without causing resentment. 2. In chapter 3 of Naked Economics , Wheelan notes that Americans routinely carry out economic transactions involving substantial amounts of money with complete strangers. In what ways does government allow such transactions to happen, and why is the ability to make such transactions an important part of a market economy?

Discussion Questions for Thursday, 10/09: Disantis Section

1. From the "Don't Ask If This Is a Good Market" reading: what are the four stages of the "cocktail party" theory the author puts forward? 2. From the "Learn to Earn" reading: what factors made Johnson & Johnson stock a smart buy in 1993/94?

Disantis section: Essay options for Friday, 10/03 quiz

You will write on 1 of the following topics: 1. A central concept in chapter 1 of Outliers is "accumulative advantage" What is meant by this term, and to what extent do you think that it is responsible for individual success? 2. The central relationship in a stock market is between companies and their shareholders. Shareholders allow companies to expand and develop new products but expect consistent dividends in return. What advantages and problems does this relationship carry?