
Showing posts from 2019

The 2010s Have Been Amazing

Brexit’s Advance Is Latest Blow to Postwar Trade Order


Investors Bail on Stock Market Rally, Fleeing Funds at Record Pace


Dear reader, The project we are publishing this week on Afghanistan demonstrates the indispensable role that journalism plays in a democracy. We seek to uncover the truth about difficult subjects of national import. We are undeterred by obstacles erected by government or other powerful interests. And when we obtain revelatory original documents, we make them available and easily accessible so that Americans can see for themselves what has been done in their name.  The Afghanistan Papers  make clear that presidents, generals and diplomats systematically failed to tell the truth about the longest war in U.S. history. The Post sued twice for release of confidential documents during a three-year legal battle, obtaining 2,000 pages of unpublished transcripts and summaries from 428 interviews conducted during a federal project on lessons from the war effort. The government identified 62 interviewees. We are still in court seeking 366 names that remain blacked out. Please read...

Professor Hsieh’s slides

Trump Cripples W.T.O. as Trade War Rages

Finland Is a Capitalist Paradise

Possible Janus Essay Questions

1. Explain the key differences among Perfect Competition, Oligopoly, Monopolistic  Competition, and Monopoly? 2. Explain the Kinked Demand Curve. 3. Based on Professor Hsieh’s talk is income inequality a good thing or a bad thing? 4, Explain the threat of platform monopolies. What is the solution? ````

If People Were Paid by Ability, Inequality Would Plummet
Possible Janus Quiz Questions 1. Ariel cites an old saying in his chapter on ownership. "One man's ceiling is another man's floor. " Explain in detail how this saying applies to getting tickets to a Duke basketball game. What is Ariel\s solution to the problem of ownership? Do you agree? 2. Wheelan asks the question, "How much information is too much?" What is the answer and why does Wheelan think that will become one of the most "nettlesome policy problems" in health care over the coming years? 3. In chapter 11, when you look at Figure 11-2b, at what level should the earrings company be producing? Why? 4. Both the short-run and long-run average total cost curves are U-shaped. However, the reasons for those shapes are quite different. Explain.

How Scientists Got Climate Change So Wrong

The Billionaires Are Getting Nervous

For Sale: SAT-Takers’ Names. Colleges Buy Student Data and Boost Exclusivity

Nancy Pelosi thinks candidates are on the wrong track

Warren Health Plan Tightens Democrats’ Embrace of Tax Increases

Industry 4.0 - Germany's 4th industrial revolution - YouTube


Trump’s Deficits Are an Existential Threat to Conservatism

The Way We Measure the Economy Obscures What Is Really Going On
POSSIBLE JANUS QUIZ QUESTIONS 1. Why do lay people and economists differ on the value of trade? 2. What are some of the consequences of the US trading with the rest of the world going forward?  3. What is the Laffer curve?  What impact has it had on US economic policy? 4. How did leverage, volatility, moral hazard,  algorithms, and corruption play into creating the Great Recession? 5. Was the draft an example of government failure?

Obama’s UIC speech


Tech Giants Shift Profits to Avoid Taxes. There’s a Plan to Stop Them

The Rich Really Do Pay Lower Taxes Than You

We Were Wiped Out’: New Yorkers Preyed on Chicago Cabbies


1. What is arbitrary coherence? Cite examples. Why is this concept a different view of human choice than is seen in the forces of supply and demand? 2. Why does Ariely think that the truth is relative even when it shouldn’t be? Cite examples. Is there anything we can do about the relativity of truth? 3. What is elasticity? What does it mean to say that something is perfectly inelastic? Elastic? Why is elasticity important if you are running a business? 4. Why are the concepts of supply and demand more useful concepts in micro economics than macro? 5   What are third Party Payer Markets? What is wrong with them? Cite several examples?

In the Salary Race, Engineers Sprint but English Majors Endure

Climate Protesters and World Leaders: Same Planet, Different Worlds  

The gig is up in California

The Economist | The gig is up in California

Does It Pay For Companies To Do Good?

US anti-trust enforcers signal discord

Chicago School Professor Fights ‘Chicago School’ Beliefs That Abet Big Tech


1, In an essay weigh the costs and benefits of the Amazon Way. 2. Using the production possibility curve, opportunity cost, and comparative advantage, explain why economists like free trade. 3. What is the price mechanism? How can it be fully utilized? Cite examples. 4.Explain the different roles of government as an actor in the Economy. 5. Explain some of the most pervasive cognitive biases. Can they be corrected for?

House Antitrust Panel Seeks Documents From 4 Big Tech Firms

Amazon Pushes Fast Shipping but Avoids Responsibility for the Human Cost

The One-Income Trap

Warren Buffett defends capitalism

Trump’s Trade War Threat

The Pope tells Bulgaria that it must welcome immigrants

Women did everything right then work got greedy
Possible Econ Test Questions for Janus’ Students 1. How has the study of inflation changed over time? 2.  Explain the quantity theory of money and the Philips curve. Why are they no longer as useful as they used to be? 3. Which is more pernicious, the illegal system of entry into college that has just been revealed and the legal system in place? 4.  Explain the different theories of why the economy grew so slowly coming out of the 2008 recession. 5.  What are the costs and benefits of inflation? 6. What is the Institutional Theory of Inflation? How does it differ from the Quantitative Theory of Inflation?

Should We Worry About the Slowing Economy?

Businesses pursue tech job training

I learned that college admissions have always been for sale

Thousands of New Millionaires Are About to Eat San Francisco Alive
Regulators Move to Ease Post-Crisis Oversight of Wall Street

Why are people outraaged at lower tax refunds?

Why People Are Outraged at Lower Tax Refunds (but Probably Shouldn’t Be)


1. Explain why Charlie Wheelan thinks it is so difficult to get monetary policy right. 2. Explain how bungled monetary policy during the 1920s and 30s may have led to The Great Depression and World War II. 3. What is a yield curve? Explain what happens when it becomes inverted. What does it usually signal? Why? 4. Explain the tools of unconventional monetary policy. 5. According to Colander, what is the “anatomy” of a financial crisis?

Deficit widens in the wake of new tax law

Where you’re at would be hurt the most by a no deal Brexit

Where Europe Would Be Hurt Most by a No-Deal Brexit

The real legacy of the 1970s

The Real Legacy of the 1970s

Female Econmists push their field towards #MeToo reckoning

Female Economists Push Their Field Toward a #MeToo Reckoning

How 5G will change your smart phone forever

In 5G race with China, US pushes allies to fight Huawei

In 5G Race With China, U.S. Pushes Allies to Fight Huawei

A Bleak Warning on Global Division and Debt

Chilling Davos: A Bleak Warning on Global Division and Debt

Possible Questions for the Quiz on Wednesday or Thursday

Janus’ Questions Explain what GDP is. Why GDP Is a Terrible Metric for Success and Wealth? Explain the different shapes of AD/AS model. What is structural stagnation? Is Colander right in arguing that it is reason for the very slow growth coming out of the 2008/2009 recession?

An Alternative to GDP

Evidence of a Toxic Envirnment for Women in Economics

Wielding Data, Women Force a Reckoning over Bias in the Field of Economics

Why women’s voices and economics are scarce

Why GDP is a terrible measure for success and growth

Why GDP Is a Terrible Metric for Success and Wealth  IDEAS Pilling is an associate editor at the Financial Times and the author of The Growth Delusion Shortly before British voters took what most economists regarded as the suicidal decision to leave the E.U., Anand Menon, a professor of European politics at King’s College London, was in the northern city of Newcastle. A long way from prosperous London, Menon gave a talk in which he echoed the standard economists’ view that a vote for Brexit would damage Britain’s gross domestic product. A woman in the audience heckled back, “That’s your bloody GDP. Not ours.” Just as in America, in Britain too the story told by official statistics does not always match people’s lived experience. That is especially true in places like Newcastle, a former shipbuilding city, which lost out to competition from Asia in the 1970s and has seen living standards stagnate ever since. As in parts of the U.S. where opportunities for non–college grad...

The Occupy Movement