Spring Quarter: The Michael Lewis Project Please read one of the following Michael Lewis books that document dramatic changes in the financial, business, and academic landscapes from the 1980s going forward. Then write a paper of at least six pages about the period that the Lewis book is set in using his text as a jumping off place. So the context of his book is at least as important to your paper as the actual Lewis story. Some of you will make the mistake of writing a book report. Please don’t be one of those. Here are the Lewis' texts you may choose from: Liar's Poker about the transformation of the mortgage market into a money making machine for Wall Street during the 1980s; The New, New Thing concerning the emergence of Silicon Valley through the eyes of Jim Clark, the founder of Netscape; The Big Short about the collapse of the housing market; Boomerang, the story of the Great Recession in Europe; Flash Boys that focuses on insider trading with the emergence of elect...