Schedule for Week of November 11

LONG: Economist article "Why Would Anyone Want to Host the Olympics?"

DAY 1: Discussion of Colander chapter 11 (Production & Cost Analysis 1). HOMEWORK: Read Colander chapter 12 (Production & Cost Analysis 2).

DAY 2: Discussion of Colander chapter 12. HOMEWORK: Read Wheelan chapter 6 (Productivity & Human Capital).

DAY 3: Discussion of Wheelan chapter 6. HOMEWORK: Study for the quiz.

DAY 4: Quiz on materials from the week. Multiple choice questions will be drawn from chapters 11 & 12 of Colander. The essay prompt comes from Wheelan chapter 6. It is as follows: Nobel Prize-winning economist Gary Becker believes that human capital is responsible for 75% of the wealth of modern economies. What is meant by "human capital," and would you agree that it is as important to the health of a nation's economy as Becker claims?

During this week, you should also be laying the groundwork for your value investing paper, which is due by December 6.


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