WEEK'S EYE OPENER: Sweet are the uses of adversity


1. On Friday, Nov. 22, you will have a quiz on the Colander chapter on Perfect Competition, the Ariely chapter on The Cost of Social Norms, and the Harvard Business School Case Study: Gender Equity.

2. On Friday, Dec. 6, your stock selection paper is due.

3. On Monday, Dec. 9, you will have a MICRO FINAL

On Thursday, Dec. 12, Professor Becker will speak in room 103/4 during the open period.

CLASS ONE: we will discuss the Colander chapter on Perfect Competition. HOMEWORK: the Ariely chapter on The Costs of Social Norms.

CLASS TWO: we will discuss the reading. HOMEWORK: read the handout, Harvard Business School Case Study: Gender Equity

C;ASS THREE: we will discuss the reading. HOMEWORK: prepare for a quiz. There will be an essay on one of the two non-Colander readings.

CLASS FOUR: QUIZ. HOMEWORK: please read the Colander chapter on Monopoly


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