
Showing posts from 2012

WEEK'S SCHEDULE(14), DEC. 17, 2012

EYE-OPENER OF THE WEEK: Where's the man who could ease the heart like a satin gown? Dorothy Parker KEY DATE: 1. John Rogers and Charles Bobrinskoy  will speak on Value Investing during the third period class. Students in the sixth period section, please try to attend. LONG PERIOD:  we will read selections from Nate Silver's The Signal and the Noise in preparation for the Ariel talk on Wednesday. CLASS ONE: We will discuss the first half of chapter 20 on Who Gets What? The Distribution of Income. HOMEWORK: finish chapter 20. CLASS TWO: THE ARIEL TALK during third period. BOTH sections should attend. CLASS THREE: we will discuss the second half of chapter 20 and the Ariel talk. HOMEWORK: please read chapter 17 on Real World Competition and Technology. CLASS FOUR: we will discuss chapter 17. HOMEWORK: NONE!

WEEK'S SCHEDULE(13), DEC. 10, 2012

EYE-OPENER OF THE WEEK: It's pretty hard to tell what does bring happiness. Poverty and Wealth have both failed. Kim Hubbard KEY DATES: 1. During the last class period of the week you will have a QUIZ on chapter 16 in Colander and chapter 4 in Wheelan. 2. On Wednesday, Dec. 19 , John Rogers and Charles Bobrinskoy  will speak on Value Investing during the third period class. Students in the sixth period section, please try to attend. LONG PERIOD: We will continue watching Margin Call. CLASS ONE: We will discuss the first half of chapter 16 on Monopolistic Competition. I will also return your tests on Monopoly and your research papers. We will then hand them over to Mia in the sixth period who will create a Website with them. I hope that some of you will consider submitting them to InFlame, the History Department online journal. HOMEWORK: Finish chapter 16. CLASS TWO: We will discuss the second half of the chapter on Oligopoly. HOMEWORK: please read chapter 4 in Wheelan. CLASS THREE:...

WEEK'S SCHEDULE(12), DEC. 3, 2012

EYE-OPENER OF THE WEEK: People ask for criticism but they only want praise. W. Somerset Maugham LONG PERIOD: we will read a few more of your research papers. CLASS ONE: a student leader will lead a discussion on Monopoly. HOMEWORK: chapter 3 in the Big Short. CLASS TWO: We will discuss the chapter in the Big Short. HOMEWORK: please read chapter 3 in Wheelan, Government and the Economy. CLASS THREE: We will discuss the reading. HOMEWORK: prepare for a quiz on Monopoly. CLASS FOUR: QUIZ ON MONOPOLY. HOMEWORK: read chapter 16 in Colander up to Characteristics of  Oligopoly.

WEEK'S SCHEDULE(11), NOV. 29, 2012

EYE OPENER OF THE WEEK: A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry; but money answereth all things. BIBLE KEY DATES: 1. On Monday, Nov. 26, Mike Ross will do a debrief. 2. During the second class period of the week, we will have a QUIZ on Perfect Competition. 3. On Friday, your STOCK SELECTION PAPERS are due. 4. On Wednesday, December 19, Ariel Capital Management will be in and John and Charlie will speak to us about value investing. CLASS ONE: we will review the chapter on Perfect Competition and I will give you time to work on your stock selection papers.  HOMEWORK: prepare for a quiz on Perfect Competition. CLASS TWO: QUIZ  on Perfect Competition. HOMEWORK: please read chapter 2 in The Big Short. CLASS THREE: we will discuss the reading. HOMEWORK: work on your stock selection papers which are due tomorrow. CLASS FOUR: I will collect your papers and we will read some of them in class. HOMEWORK: Please read chapter 15 on Monopoly.


EYE OPENER FOR THE WEEK: Character is that which can do without success. Ralph Waldo Emerson KEY DATES: On Monday, Nov. 12, your Capsim assignment on the production schedule for the demand forecast for Able is due. On Wednesday, Nov. 15, Steve Soble will speak to both sections about running a small business and, specifically, Obamacare. During the last class period of the week, you will have a quiz on the two chapters on production and cost analysis plus an essay question from Soble's talk. On Friday, Nov. 30, your stock selection paper is due. See the course syllabus or the category Stock Selection paper on this site for details. THE LONG PERIOD: we will watch Doris Kearns Goodwin discussing Obama's second term. CLASS ONE: we will discuss chapter 12 on Production and Cost Analysis. HOMEWORK: read chapter 13, the second chapter on production for the class period that Steve Soble is not speaking. CLASS TWO: we will discuss chapter 13 and do the Capsim debrief. HOMEWORK FOR LAST ...


EYE-OPENER OF THE WEEK: The nation that has no schools has no future. Bismarck KEY DATES: On Monday, Nov. 5, your Capsim assignment on a new product introduction is due. On Friday, Nov. 9, we will have a QUIZ on the game theory chapter in Colander as well as the chapter on production and cost analysis. On Monday, Nov. 12, your Capsim assignment on the production schedule for the demand forecast for Able is due. On Friday, Nov. 30, your stock selection paper is due. See the course syllabus or the category Stock Selection paper on this site for details. LONG PERIOD: we will watch a video on Sandy and our economic goals. CLASS ONE: We will discuss the first half of the chapter on game theory. HOMEWORK: finish the chapter. CLASS TWO: we will discuss the second half of the chapter and do the Capsim Debrief. HOMEWORK: please read chapter 12 on Production and Cost Analysis in Colander. CLASS THREE: we will discuss the reading. HOMEWORK: prepare for the Quiz on game theory and production and c...


EYE-OPENER OF THE WEEK: The test and the use of man's education is that he finds pleasure in the exercise of his mind. Jacques Barzun KEY DATES: 1. Your Capsim assignment on the attributes of the Able product are due on Monday. 2. During the second class period of the week, we will have a QUIZ on chapter 10 and on the rest of the Learn to Earn packet.  There will be one essay question on the Lynch packet. 3. On Monday, Nov. 5, your Capsim assignment on a new product introduction is due. 4. On Friday, November 30, your stock selection paper is due. See the course syllabus for details. LONG PERIOD: we will look at the article, Euro Survives but Future is in Doubt CLASS ONE: we will discuss the rest of the Learn to Earn packet. HOMEWORK : prepare for quiz. CLASS TWO: QUIZ on chapter 10 and Learn to Earn packet. We will also debrief  the Capsim assignment on attributes of the Able product. HOMEWORK:  read the Colander chapter on Game Theory up to Informal Game Theory and Modern Behavi...

WEEK'S SCHEDULE(7), OCT. 22. 2012

WEEK'S EYE-OPENER: Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp or what's a heaven for? Robert Browning KEY DATES: 1. On Monday, Oct. 22, your Capsim assignment on forecasting is due. 2. On Monday, Oct. 22, you will have a QUIZ on chapter 9 and the Wheelan chapter on incentives. 3. On Wednesday, Oct. 24, Mike Ross will come in for a debrief of Round 1. 4. On Monday, Oct. 29, your Capsim assignment on the attributes of the Able product are due. 5. During the second class period of the week of Oct. 29, you will have a QUIZ on chapter 10 In Colander, The Logic of Individual Choice and the rest of the Learn to Earn packet. 6. On Friday, November 30, your stock selection paper is due. See the course syllabus for details. CLASS ONE: QUIZ on chapter 9 and the chapter on incentives in Wheelan. HOMEWORK FOR PERIOD 3: continue to read in the Learn to Earn packet up to page 169. HOMEWORK FOR PERIOD 6: please read chapter 10 in Colander on The Logic of Individual Choice. CLASS TWO FOR...

Week's Schedule(6), Oct. 8, 2012

WEEK'S EYE-OPENER: Angels can fly because they take themselves so lightly. G.K. Chesterton KEY DATES: 1. On Monday at 8:00 am your Capsim assignment on Promotion is due. 2. On Monday, you will have a test on chapter 8 and Value Investing. 3. On Monday, Oct. 22, your Capsim assignment on forecasting is due. 4. On Monday, Oct. 22, you will have a QUIZ on chapter 9, the Harvard Business Review article on creating demand and the Wheelan chapter on Incentives. CLASS ONE: QUIZ on chapter 8 and Value Investing. HOMEWORK: please read chapter 2 in Wheelan and the Harvard Business Review handout on creating demand. CLASS TWO: we will discuss the readings. HOMEWORK: please read chapter 9 in Colander, International Trade Policy, Comparative Advantage, and Outsourcing. CLASS THREE: we will discuss the readings. HOMEWORK: do your Capsim assignment and prepare for the QUIZ.

Week's Schedule(5), Oct . 8, 2012

WEEK'S EYE-OPENER: The test and the use of man's education is that he finds pleasure ion the exercise of his mind. Jacques Barzun KEY DATES: 1. On Monday at 8:00 am your Capsim assignment on PRICING is due. 2. During the second class period of the week, you will have a QUIZ on chapters 5 and 7 on Colander. 3. On Monday, Oct. 15, at 8:00 am, your Capsim assignment on sales and promotion is due and there is a QUIZ on chapter 8 and what we have read of the Peter Lynch reading. 4. On Wednesday, Nov. 21, John Rogers and Charles Bobtrinskoy will address both sections at 9:40 on the philosophy of value investing. CLASS ONE: We will discuss chapter 78, Describing Supply and Demand: Elasticities. We will also discuss the article on pricing. HOMEWORK: prepare for the quiz on chapters 5 and 7. CLASS TWO: QUIZ on chapters 5 and 7. HOMEWORK: read in the Peter Lynch handout, the interview and Is this a good market, please don't ask. CLASS THREE: we will discuss the reading and have a mi...

Week's Schedule(4), Oct. 4, 2012

Week's Eye-opener: If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich. John F. Kennedy Key Dates: 1. Your Capsim assignment on Situational Analysis is due online by 8:00 am. on Monday. 2.  During the SECOND class period of the week, we will have quiz on chapters 3 and 4 plus the on the article, The Magician and the Michael Lewis reading. There will be one essay from the non-Colander readings. 3. On Monday, Oct. 8, your elasticity Capsim assignment is due at 8 am and you will have a QUIZ on chapter 5, Using Supply and Demand and chapter 7, Describing Supply and Demand: Elasticities. There will an essay  from  Setting the Right Price at the Right Time. CLASS ONE: we will read and discuss Washington versus America. We will also review what we should remember from the Michael Lewis reading. HOMEWORK: prepare for the QUIZ during the next class period. CLASS TWO: QUIZ on the Colander chapters 3 and 4 plus the two other readings.  HOMEWORK: please ...

Week's Schedule(3), Sept. 24, 2012

Week's Eye-Opener: Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men's blood. Daniel H. Burnham Key Dates: 1. This Monday, Gerhard Plaschka, the Managing Director of Capsim, and Mike Ross, a Relationship Consultant from the same firm, will come introduce the yearlong economic simulation to you. 2. On Monday, Oct. 1, you will have completed the Capsim "Situation Analysis". 3. During the SECOND class period of the week of Oct. 1, we will have a quiz on chapters 3 and 4 of Colander, and the readings , The Magician and Washington Versus America . There will be two short essays from these readings. 4. On Friday, November 30, your stock selection is due. See the course syllabus for details. LONG PERIOD: we will read the article, Washington versus America by Ross Douthat CLASS ONE: Capsim presentation. HOMEWORK: read the handout, The Magician, and  chapter 3 in Colander. CLASS TWO: we will discuss the two readings. HOMEWORK: read chapter 4 in Colander on  Supply and Dema...

Week's Schedule(2), Sept. 17, 2012

WEEK'S EYE-OPENER: Character is that which can do without success. Ralph Waldo Emerson KEY DATES: 1. During the THIRD class period of the week, you will have your first econ. quiz. There will be 29 objective questions from the test banks and two essays from the handouts and Naked Economics. 2. On Monday, Sept. 24, the Capsim team will come to Lab to introduce the economic simulation that we will be doing this year. 3. On Friday, November 30, your stock selection paper is due. See the course syllabus for details. LONG PERIOD: we will look at the article, U.S. Companies Brace for an Exit From the Euro by Greece. CLASS ONE: We will discuss discuss chapter one in Naked Economics. HOMEWORK: Please finish chapter 2 in Colander. CLASS TWO: we will discuss the Colander chapter. HOMEWORK: prepare for the QUIZ tomorrow. CLASS THREE: QUIZ.  HOMEWORK:  please read the prologue and first chapter in The Big Short. CLASS FOUR: we will discuss the Lewis reading. HOMEWORK: please read the Capsim ha...