WEEK'S SCHEDULE(14), DEC. 17, 2012
EYE-OPENER OF THE WEEK: Where's the man who could ease the heart like a satin gown? Dorothy Parker KEY DATE: 1. John Rogers and Charles Bobrinskoy will speak on Value Investing during the third period class. Students in the sixth period section, please try to attend. LONG PERIOD: we will read selections from Nate Silver's The Signal and the Noise in preparation for the Ariel talk on Wednesday. CLASS ONE: We will discuss the first half of chapter 20 on Who Gets What? The Distribution of Income. HOMEWORK: finish chapter 20. CLASS TWO: THE ARIEL TALK during third period. BOTH sections should attend. CLASS THREE: we will discuss the second half of chapter 20 and the Ariel talk. HOMEWORK: please read chapter 17 on Real World Competition and Technology. CLASS FOUR: we will discuss chapter 17. HOMEWORK: NONE!