WEEK'S EYE OPENER: I envy the beasts two things--their ignorance of evil to come and their ignorance of what is said about them. Voltaire KEY DATES: On Friday, Dec. 6, your stock selection paper is due. On Monday, Dec. 9, you will have a MICRO FINAL based on all the previous quizzes you have taken. There will be 50 questions and an essay drawn from the chapters on Monopoly and Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly and Antitrust Policy. You be assigned the essay question on Friday of this week and write it as a take-home assignment over the weekend. On Thursday, Dec. 12, Professor Becker will speak in room 102/104 during the open period on inequality in education. THE LONG PERIOD: video of Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, the Arab Warren Buffett. CLASS ONE: we will review the chapter on Monopoly and Monopolistic Competition. HOMEWORK: please read the section on oligopoly in chapter 15. CLASS TWO: we will discuss the reading. HOMEWORK: please read the section on antitrust policy in chap...