Schedule for Week of 12/09

Two important notes for this week:

On Day 1, we will take the micro final. The entire class period will be devoted to the exam.

During the assembly period (10:10-11:00) on Thursday, December 12, Professor Gary Becker will speak to us. The talk will be held in UH103/104. Attendance at this talk is mandatory. In order to compensate you for your time, we will not hold class on Friday.

DAY 1: Micro Final. HOMEWORK: In preparation for Professor Becker's guest talk on Thursday, please read the entry "Contrived Inequality and Equality" on the Becker-Posner blog (

DAY 2: We will discuss the blog reading on the nature of economic inequality. HOMEWORK: Read chapter 16 of Colander (Real World Competition & Technology).

DAY 3: We will discuss chapter 16 of Colander and also play a game involving behavioral economics.

DAY 4: No class on account of Professor Becker's guest talk on Thursday.

LONG: We will discuss an Economist article on the proliferation of sex workers in Germany (


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